post 39

today in class, the last few groups for presenting went today. They were pretty good. we have a test tomorrow that I have to study for. shouldn't be that hard, but I'm still going to study for it. the things I have to study are...
  • crude birth rate

  • crude death rate

  • infant mortality rate

  • life expectancy

  • total fertility rate

  • net migration rate

  • GDP per capita

  • population growth rate

  • rate of natural increase

  • population pyramid

  • push force
  • pull force
nothing terrible at all, just a lot to study for. this isn't the most that I have had to study for though. this test should be fairly easy as well. we spend the first 15 minutes using our laptops to find answers to questions using the world fact book, their are 15 questions total for that section, then the rest of the section is a usual test including some short answer and multiple choice. he didn't say if their was any constructed responses, but knowing Mr. Schick, their might be.


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