post 6

    In English class today, we learned the definition of what an idiot meant in Greek. it means nothing like it does today. (doesn't have the same definition. an idiot in Athenian democracy, was somebody who was characterized by self centeredness and concerned almost exclusively with private - as opposed to public - affairs. we also learned a quote by Socrates. Socrates was a philosopher, but as a side job, he asked people a series of questions relating to public events, and he wanted to here their opinions about the current events to get a general understanding of what the people exactly thought. anyways the quote that he said was " the unexamined life, is not worth living." What he meant by that was if you did the same thing over and over again, it would be a boring live and a pointless life. if you did things that weren't common, you were examining life and having fun, you were living a good and exciting life. that's what Socrates meant by that quote.


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