post 15

Today Mr. Schick had us take some notes on geography again and how geographers study a region or a certain place. todays topic was site and situation. I'm just going to bullet all the notes he had me take.
  • physical character of a place
  • climate - how it can effect you and the food that is available to you
  • water sources - how it can affect you and the food sources available
  • topography - geographical features such as a mountain on a map
  • soil quality
  • vegetation
  • latitude - how close your are to the equator. Harford county is considered a temperate latitude
  • elevation - how high you are above sea level

  • Mr. Schick was telling us this one story about how his sister lives about 9000 feet above se level and how she takes a walk every morning and walks for 3 miles. He went to visit his sister and she asked him if he wanted to go on a walk with her. He woke up the next morning, the first minute of the walk was fine, but he said he was struggling to breath the rest of the time, but his sister was perfectly fine. He then started to tell us about how elevation affect the air, when he was 9000 feet above sea level, the air was so thin. That's all for today, ill be blogging tomorrow against my will.


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