post 2

      Today in human geography at the beginning of the class, I had to send Mr. Schick the correct URL to him because yesterday I sent him the wrong link. but that was easy to fix and he added my name to the list of people who had sent him the correct link to their blogs. After that, he showed us the class syllabus that was really basic and what he expected from us. I like the part of the syllabus he wrote where in the needed materials section, it said we needed "an open, inquisitive mind." I found that interesting because most teachers wouldn't normally write that, but Mr.Schick is a funny and creative teacher so I understand that with him. He also said some other stuff like don't plagiarize, and be on-time to class, all that basic stuff that most teachers would put on a syllabus. I also found out that Mr. Schick doesn't give out extra credit, and that is perfectly fine with me because normally I'm not a student who needs extra credit because I'm always on top of my work. I think Mr. Schick will be a fun teacher to have this year.


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