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      John Carroll was a pleasant experience today because I made a new friend named John. John is a very nice guy who is from south Korea, but he doesn't speak any Korean. I found that a little interesting, but he is a nice dude all in all. My favorite part of the day was lunch. I sat with all of my friends and I caught up with them and found out what some of their classes are, turns out I'm in classes with quite a few of them. Mr. Ireton scares me a little, I was at patriot transitions class today and his voice as so deep and loud that I was shocked to hear a voice like that early in the morning. When I went to Mr.Schick's class today, he told me to create a blog and email him the link. I was a little confused at first but I eventually understood what he was telling me. When I had my last class today which was honors biology, my class had to do an activity where we had a cup, a gummy worm and a gummy life saver, and two paper clips. What we had to do was put the live saver under the cup, put the gummy worm on top of the cup, and use the paper clips to get the gummy life saver out from the cup, and put the gummy worm through the hole of the live saver. My day all in all was a pretty good, I like all of my teachers and I'm felling very confident about being at John Carroll for the next four years of my life.


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