post 24

talk, talk, talk. That's all Mr. Schick really seems to do. its nice, but gets a little boring after a while. he was just about to have us take notes, but his computer died and he didn't get a charger out, but just kept teaching, and we didn't have to write anything down. we were talking about states that had always voted either republican or democratic. Then that some hoe led up to how he thinks that the legal voting age should be lowered to 16, because he thinks that most people at 16 would be able to handle a major responsibility and not be like " oh, I don't really care who are next president is. " I persobnaly think the voting age should stay THE SAME because 1. they aren't ready to handle a responsibility like that and 2. they are still influenced by what their parents think most of the time. that was an interesting class period today.


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