post 8

     Today in Mr. Schick's class, we had a test about " a message to Garcia," and about Socrates. I didn't study that well and I regret that, but other then that, I feel like I did fine on the test and what ever grade I get, is the grade I get. if I fail I fail, if I get a good grade on it, I get a good grade on it. I just regret the fact that I didn't study the best, because their were one or two questions that I got stuck on, but other then that, I feel like I did fine. I only answered on of the crimes that Socrates was being charged with because I couldn't remember the other one, I'm going to have to look that up in my journal when I get home because I should have remembered that easily. I'm so regretful that I didn't study and I will study even more if I get a bad grade on this. even if I get a decent or a great grade, I will still study even harder and longer then I did yesterday and Sunday.


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