A message to garcis interpritation & Action plan for my freshman year

                                                               A Message to Garcia.

        In the passage A Message to Garcia, it describes how people genuinely don't want to work and they just completely blow it off, and will do something else instead. This stuff is still happening 200 years into the future and its really depressing that some people just don't want to work. Their are still hard working people out their that truly work their hardest to make a living. Certain places will start out being a great place, but will turn into a place that is known for just poverty and poor people that can't help themselves. People need to stop asking other people for help, they need to grow up, stop being so lazy and get a job and learn how to take are of them selves, also to learn to get off the recliner and actually show up for their job. People have a responsibility to work and provide for their families, but some just don't feel like it and completely blow their possibly well paying job. Honest and hard working people will do their absolute best to make sure that they have enough money to provide for themselves and others. Their are still honest and hardworking people out there somewhere, but the problem is that more and more people are starting to blow off their work and are becoming poor and are having to go through bankruptcy and poverty and are trying to survive on other peoples help. Those people need to start working hard again and try to make a living for themselves. All this chaos and poverty are happening because people just wont work to take care of themselves.

                                                       Action Plan for Freshman year!
      In my freshman year at JC, I will accomplish the following things....

  • Get the best grades that I possibly can. I need to study more, ill do it after my homework and maybe while I'm eating breakfast. 
  • Make tons and tons of new friends. Be as true to myself as I possibly can be.
  • Stay true to myself. (don't let society try to change who I am) I'm already perfect, I don't want to change!
  • DO NOT SLACK ON ANY GIVEN ASSIGNMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't risk failing a class because of one stupid assignment that I forget, didn't finish on time, or just blatantly didn't do.
  • Respect the teachers. I don't want to start out my freshman year at john Carroll where some teacher(s) weren't so fond of me. ( I haven't been on a teachers bad side, and I don't want to be now that I'm in high school.


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